21 December 2012

Tips to delete, remote and local branch from GIT e.g github, bucket

Deleting a remote as well as a local branch from git is pretty simple.

To delete a remote branch -:

Step 1: Just go into your project directory from console/gitbash(if you are using windows)

In console enter-:

$ git branch -r

You see a list of the remote branches .

  • origin/design
  • origin/develop
  • origin/feature
  • origin/master

Step 2: If you want to delete the branch name develop from git(Github)

Then enter in the console-:

$ git push origin :develop

(Where origin is your remote name and develop is the name of the branch)

The above command will delete the develop branch on the origin remote

To delete a local branch -:

Step 1: First, make sure you are not on the same branch

(eg. develop) which you are going to delete from the local repo also. Just move from that branch to another branch using.

$ git checkout branch_name

Step 2: Then enter in the console:

$ git branch -d develop

This will delete the branch locally as well.

………Well Done………

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